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Tag: Technical Marketing

50 Inspiring Marketing Tips from Geospatial Rockstars

What do people really think about geospatial marketing?  Let’s find out! (Updated 27th March 2021) But more importantly, why do they care about it?     It’s a total no-brainer for me. I totally live and breath marketing and geospatial (and totally unrelatedly, horses). But with a Dad whose passion is geospatial and innovation, you […]

Diary of a Geospatial Marketer: The Florida Trip Part 2

Hey everyone, Welcome to part two of my Florida trip VLOG. I check in two days just before the TUC 2018 conference in Orlando Florida where the guys were busy packing boxes and finalising presentations. With 211 attendees this year we were in for a busy time at the conference with lots of technical sessions […]

How to Market Your Geospatial Company on a Tiny Budget

When I say “killer marketing campaign” what do you think of? Billboards? Magazine spreads? Halftime ads at the Superbowl?     If so, stop right there, because the only thing marketing like this will kill is your budget. Believe me, a really awesome marketing campaign is no longer about splashing as much cash as you […]

How to Turn Your Website into a Lean, Mean, Converting Machine

What company isn’t looking to turn a profit? Yep, no doubt about it; these days the geospatial industry is a hot-mess of companies all searching for the holy grail…real life paying customers. But so many people don’t invest in one crucial revenue source: the humble website. Yes you know who you are!!  Sure, you can […]

Top 3 Explosive Marketing Tips for Geospatial Equipment Start-Ups

You’ve taken the plunge into starting your own business; all those tales of overnight success stories and raking in the big bucks are flying around your head. It’s great to dream big, right? But annoyingly, the ‘build it and they will come’ theory just isn’t always true. Marketing your business is essential to get your […]

How to Leverage Your Most Powerful Marketing Resource – For FREE

  You’ve seen the Wizard of Oz, right? Well, just in case it’s been a while, here’s a recap: Dorothy finds herself plonked in a strange, unfamiliar land where she picks up some equally clueless friends. They make a long and difficult journey to find a revered and supposedly all-powerful figure who can sort all […]

What Is Thought Leadership and Why Do I Need It?

  Who do you listen to in the geospatial universe? And more importantly, WHY do you listen to them? Perhaps you get your industry news and insights from people like Anusuya Datta, Executive Editor of Geospatial World? After all, she’s an expert with years of experience writing about the sector, so she must know her […]

The Power of Videos for Developing Sales

  The Power of Videos for Developing Sales Scroll through your Facebook or Instagram feed and what do you see?  Video clips. Animations. Mini-documentaries. Awareness-raising videos. Sales and demo videos. Everywhere. Click on a link to a news article or blog post in just about any field and as likely as not, there’ll be a […]

How to Get the Most Out of a Tiny Marketing Budget

Okay, I know this sounds crazy, but… (Wait for it…) Sometimes, just having a very limited marketing budget to work with can actually be a godsend. No really, I’m serious! I know what you’re thinking: But Elaine, this is your profession! Aren’t you supposed to be persuading me to hand over as much money as […]

Contract awarded  by Langver Engineering, a leading designer and manufacturer of curtain tensioners

Contract award announcement Elaine Ball Technical Marketing Ltd (EBTM) has announced that they have been awarded a contract to deliver business and marketing services by Langver Engineering, a global designer and manufacturer of curtain tensioners.   Langver Engineering sells a wide range of curtain tensioners to all major coachbuilders in the UK, as well as […]

Gold Nugget Series 2015 #002 Measuring return on your marketing spend!

Gold Nugget Series 2015 #002 – Measuring return on your marketing spend! Measuring return on your marketing spend!  Listen to this blog via sound cloud here I hear this over and over and over again.  “Elaine, how can we measure the money we spend on marketing?, the return on investment? ROI.  Marketing is a cost!” […]

Surveying from the air by remote control vs marketing in a different light

Surveying from the air by remote control vs marketing in a different light   By Elaine Ball, CEO of Elaine Ball Technical Marketing (EBTM) Ltd The latest buz around the surveying industry is drones (UAV or Unmanned aerial vehicles).  What does that mean?  Well, flying machines, which scan the ground from the sky by remote […]