9 Copywriting Tips that Really Work in the Geospatial Sector Take a look at this paragraph for a moment: “We empower corporations to future-proof their construction investments by leveraging site-specific seismic motion best practices that deliver tremendous value and continually delight our clients. By moving the needle on core competencies like nonlinear and […]
Want to Become the Google of Geospatial? Why You Need a Great Brand to Beat Your Competitors How often do you use Google on an average day? If you’re anything like me, you probably use Google Search at least a dozen times a day – it’s my default for checking or researching everything from […]
I have a shameful secret. I’m almost too scared to confess it. But we’re friends, right? I can trust you…? I have – whisper it – nearly 800 unread emails in my inbox. I know, it’s terrible. I seriously need to de-clutter. But how did it get to this? Well, part of the problem is […]
You’ve seen the Wizard of Oz, right? Well, just in case it’s been a while, here’s a recap: Dorothy finds herself plonked in a strange, unfamiliar land where she picks up some equally clueless friends. They make a long and difficult journey to find a revered and supposedly all-powerful figure who can sort all […]
Imagine you walk into the exhibition at GEO Business 2017 this May and you see two stands in front of you advertising aerial photography and photogrammetry services. GEO Business 2017 As it happens, these are exactly the services your company needs at the moment. And on the face of it, they seem to be […]
Who do you listen to in the geospatial universe? And more importantly, WHY do you listen to them? Perhaps you get your industry news and insights from people like Anusuya Datta, Executive Editor of Geospatial World? After all, she’s an expert with years of experience writing about the sector, so she must know her […]
The Power of Videos for Developing Sales Scroll through your Facebook or Instagram feed and what do you see? Video clips. Animations. Mini-documentaries. Awareness-raising videos. Sales and demo videos. Everywhere. Click on a link to a news article or blog post in just about any field and as likely as not, there’ll be a […]
Okay, I know this sounds crazy, but… (Wait for it…) Sometimes, just having a very limited marketing budget to work with can actually be a godsend. No really, I’m serious! I know what you’re thinking: But Elaine, this is your profession! Aren’t you supposed to be persuading me to hand over as much money as […]
Before we get started, I’d like to tell you a little story. Way back in 1955, when TVs were just starting to gain a little bit of popularity in the UK, a smart young advertising executive called Brian Palmer had a brave idea. He wanted to specialise in a new type of advertising: television […]
Remember when the I Heart NY design first came out? Way back in the 70s? Yeah, this one: Back then, this simple design was the height of cool. It was sleek, bold and totally iconic. It made designer Milton Glaser a household name. Go to New York today and you’ll still see it plastered over […]
Online advertising has come a long, long way in recent years. Retargeted advertising means that you can hone in on precisely the customers you want to talk to, and ensure you don’t waste time and money on scattergunning inappropriate leads. A wealth of analytics tools means you can figure out exactly what works – […]
NEWS | EBTM go crazy with focused blogs for the Geospatial Sector Globally. Elaine and her merry team of Geospatial Marketing Whiz kids will be pulling together a mixture of blogs related to branding Geospatial Companies, developing Geospatial sales leads, marketing communications for the Geospatial Sector and content generators. Geospatial Marketing in Demand This […]