This is a question which is hard to answer with many companies. I’m going to run over the basics for starting off. This can be used in a group or on your own.
Ok…… lets keep this simple:
1. Get your hands on a large piece of paper. Write Your company name in the middle and draw a circle round it.
2. Start by writing down WHO you are and what you do. “I am a designer & manufacturer of widgets for surveying”
3. Who are your markets? Who do you want to sell to? Are selling to?
4. Where do you want to go? ie. I want to sell my surveying widgets to land surveyors in Yorkshire. Currently selling £10k per month. Increase to £30k per month.
5. Now list several customers or potential customers with COMMON needs and wants. This is very important as you don’t want to waste your money on trying to target every land surveyor in Yorkshire.