An exciting day at Offshore Energy Amsterdam where Elaine Ball, EBTM’s CEO attended the Offshore Conference on behalf of Laser Modeling Services Company Digital Surveys.
Pictures of the day can be found on Facebook via:
The task was to network and build a hub of potential clients for the future.
“It’s all about exposure, getting your name out there and explaining the unique selling points (USPs), networking at these types of events are perfect for brand exposure” says Elaine Ball
Digital Surveys was founded in 1988 by Peter Bennett, and is now run by his son Ben Bennett. The company is privately owned offering a range of specialist survey, dimensional control and industrial measurement services. The company have a strong and growing reputation as an innovator in the survey sector.
Digital Surveys are now focusing on growing within the Oil & Gas sector through providing services on 3D modeling of assets such as, pipe work through to mapping of vessel architecture for the Oil & Gas Sector. The company will continue to support its clients in the petrochemical, build environment and renewable sectors. Digital Surveys embrace the latest 3D data capture methods and techniques.
The company is already active on Social Media platforms and uses Twitter and Instagram to share stories, case studies, images and much more with its audience.
Some of their work can be seen here
How to measure which publication is getting YOU noticed! Creating a Geospatial knowledge Hub.
Opening and retuning from Intergeo 2014
Just returned from Intergeo 2014, what a great show! Some very interesting things going on esp the new RiCopter from Riegl. What was interesting compared to a couple of years ago is everyone and their dog is getting into UAV. It’s the craze!! It will be interesting to see how this new craze will pan out. I feel only a small handful of key experts will be at the forefront of this technology and it will come down to money and marketing, especially as technology gets proved!
Nice piece of information… don’t you think?… this leads me onto actions online and who is influencing whom:
Creating a Geospatial knowledge Hub
I mentioned on Twitter and LinkedIn “There are several Geospatial Publications going to Intergeo this year, however, WHO is doing the best at promoting you online?”
As marketers at EBTM, we have to keep our skills up to speed! From keeping an eye on the Geospatial Industry, to keeping our marketing and sales techniques and latest thinking up to date! Why? So we know, we are relevant and giving you the best knowledge possible at that time.
Geospatial Publications
A key fact floating around the Social Media Industry at the moment is that the internet is set to grow by 600% and that’s equivalent to 6 Internets in today’s terms. As Geospatial companies, who are you putting your money into? PR and Advertising? Who is standing out in the Geospatial Publication world and getting you noticed? Who is influencing the industry through publications? Who do you rate and why?
How to measure which publication is getting you noticed! Who is influencing?
As marketers, we use Klout, a website and mobile app that uses social media analytics to rank its users according to online social influence via the “Klout Score”, which is a numerical value between 1 and 100. A basic and easy to understand metric. Click here for further info.
A good starting bench mark is; anything over 40 and your doing well! The higher the score, the higher your influence in the market to drive action! So, Geospatial Publications… get social! We need you to share our stories!
As of today 9th October (scores change frequently. They don’t sit still, so all can improve!); here are some scores: Scores listed under ‘Not listed’ are not necessary off line but not listed with Klout.
So what is the point I am trying to make here? Well two points really:
How do I develop strategy? Where do I start?
Have you been wondering ‘where’ to start with strategy development? Need to realign your business or just get ‘things’ moving?
Your strategy depends on ‘what you and/ or your board want for the business’.
Ask yourself the following:
To start you off, try and look at the overall big picture. Why? This gives you a good indication of ‘what things look like’.
The Big picture stuff:
From your SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) Analysis, this will highlight potential strategies for development.
See our first GoogleHangouts: How do I develop strategy? Where do I start.
References: Michael Porter; professor at the Institute for Strategy and competitiveness. Institute of Directors, UK. Cranfield school of management.
Interviewing the experts of your industry series: What works? People are your best asset! #004
Staying ahead of the game, it’s all about the people!
In today’s business world, staying ahead of the game is hard work. Figuring out where your strengths and weaknesses are can be easy, but acting on them can be difficult. People are key to a successful business but they can also take your business down!
Why can’t people be like you!
Business owners are interested in making the best products, getting their beloved equipment out into the market and solving problems for clients. They expect (like we all do) to hire people like us: hard working, self-sufficient, etc.; and they expect people to get on with the job and do it well. But company bosses don’t spend time hiring the right people and worse, and often they don’t train them properly, all precursors to a headache you will want to avoid!
Getting your people right is the key for success!
Hiring, firing, disciplining, managing, and motivating – all of this is exhausting! Today’s podcast is all about people: the pit falls and the successes stories. Elaine Ball, CEO of EBTM, a technical marketing solutions company for the Offshore, Geospatial and Mining Industry, interviews Sue Cordingley, a leadership and management specialist. The pair investigate the pitfalls of recruitment, the difficulties in management learning and development, and psychometric tests such as the Myers Briggs and Saxtons CORE values and beliefs.
Who is Sue Cordingley?
Sue has over 26 years of developing management skills, providing bespoke learning and development programs, and mentoring individuals from across many industry sectors.
She is an advocate for women in management roles and helping improve overall confidence in women as leaders.
(From left to right: Elaine Ball, CEO of EBTM. Sue Cordingley, CEO of Sue Cordingley Associates, and Amanda Finn, Marketing Communications Director of EBTM.)
Sue has worked within many global banks, from HSBC to Barclays. Implementing strategies for companies in order to become self-sufficient in developing their young/new managers and improving the company’s overall performance.
Sue’s areas of expertise include but are not limited to mentoring, change management, personnel development, executive coaching and management development.
You can find Sue on LinkedIn or SueCordingley
Interviewing the Experts of your Industry Series – Elaine Ball interviews Faro’s Chief Technology Strategist; Bernd Becker.
FARO is the world’s most trusted source for 3D measurement technology. The Company develops and markets computer-aided measurement and imaging devices and software.
Today’s podcast, hosted by Elaine Ball, CEO of EBTM, a Marketing Solutions company for the Geospatial, Offshore and Mining Industries, explores the reasons behind launching the Faro Focus (October 2010).
Find out about the thinking behind launching the Faro Focus, Bernd’s 30 years of innovation, how this game changer helped Faro grow and advice to other entrepreneurs.
Finding your way to the future.
by Elaine Ball
How do you plan for the future?
How does a company within the Geospatial sector plan ahead? How do you successfully find your way to the future? If you’re in product sales, do you switch strategies into service (as in ‘doing’ the job); if you’re a service company, do you go into product sales? No matter what type of service you’re offering, where will it go in the next five years? Think about it!
Stop and think:
1. What is the percentage offering of your company – e.g., 80 percent product sales, 15 percent rental, five percent service?
2. Do you feel vulnerable? If yes, why?
Do you know about the market and how you fit into it?
“We have always done it this way and it’s fine.” I’m afraid to say that the vast majority of companies take this view! Do you know where the Geospatial industry is heading? Are you waiting to see what the big three do? What’s their plan? What could be there plan? Think about it!
I work with many Geospatial firms who are heavily reliant on one or two particular ‘bits’, if you can call them that. These are often stuck selling the same thing, be it a service or product, and struggling to find a path toward a successful future.
Get yourself out of the fog
There are thousands of companies in the world doing the same thing; how do you find a successful way to the future? How do you make sure you are not doing the same thing as everyone else?
1. First, write down some ideal scenarios for the future? What does the future look like? What could it look like?
2. Next, write down a list of potential strategies – where do you want to go? what key things do you need to do to get to your vision? what would de-risk your company? – that you would love to do (don’t worry about ‘what-ifs’ just yet).
3. Now, pick the top three strategies, or ways of attaining your vision.
4. Sit back and write down how to execute these strategies.
Working backwards from your ultimate vision is key here, but don’t bite off too much or you may be overwhelmed.
When planning your strategy, ensure that you place key people and resources behind them. Then look at it – leave it on a wall and reflect over several days or weeks.
Thinking long term! Don’t get stuck in the day job! Geospatial Market.
I attended GeoBusiness in London last week and was pleasantly surprised. Focused marketing (from the show officials), well attended by the Geospatial community and a real buzz in the air. (“I think a must for next year!”)
My aim for the day was to mingle with fellow Geospatial companies, find out whats going on in the Geospatial market and talk to customers (new and old).
During the day, it dawned on me how many companies are stuck in the mud. And what I mean by this, is they are only focusing on the day job.
One conversation sparked an interest; “I don’t get Marketing Strategy Elaine. We are increasing sales, the company is good, its making money. What is this marketing strategy all about?.” My answer was; “this is great and don’t mess with something that is not broken, however what about the long term of the business. Is it sustainable? What about the market conditions?”
This was a good insight into why a company can fail. I see it all the time, especially since I set up EBTM last May. The day job overcrowds the future vision. Some companies will do well but it’s a bigger risk.
Think about this: ask yourself these questions:
1. If the market crashed, what would happen to us?
2. Are we diverse enough or do we have all our eggs in one basket?
3. If I had all the money in the world, what would I do with this business?
Going back to ‘what is Marketing Strategy?’
· Firstly, what is a vision? What does the company look like in 5 to 10 years time? Think about it!
· Working backwards, what key milestones (or things) do I need to put in place to get there? And when? Don’t over complicate it, just write it/ draw it out.
· Filling in the gaps, what do you need to do to get to these milestones? For example: look at a stronger management team who can lead, who are good at managing the day to day stuff, set up office in Brazil, and take on a specialist in Trimble Sketchup?
My advice, if you are in your comfort zone; get out of it! Don’t get complacent. Think about the future, scenario plan!
EBTM judges ‘Memorable moments of the past during Hillhead Exhibition”
Elaine Ball Technical Marketing (EBTM) Ltd, a Marketing Solutions Consultancy dedicated to the Mining & Quarry Industry, has launched a competition for the most memorable and interesting ‘old Hillhead Exhibition photos’. The Hillhead exhibition has been established for many years and we are asking companies to dig out those memorable shots.
Elaine Ball of EBTM has over 15 years Marketing and Sales experience within the Quarry and Mining Industry. Elaine and her team specialise in helping B2B companies grow and become profitable through focused strategic marketing, planning and implementation.
“The competition will be interesting to see old photographs, companies, equipment and people. It’s a great way to get some exposure for these companies and have a bit of fun doing so” comments Elaine Ball.
The competition will be judged by EBTM on Thursday 26th June (on stand PC8, which will be displaying CSR/ Sabre) and the winner will receive a days marketing consultancy with Elaine Ball worth £1,100.00!
To enter, follow these steps:
FOR Facebook Postings:
Good luck!
Tweet us: @Eballball @sarahrog3rson @AfinnAmanda
Tel: Elaine on 07825517850
Ball flys to warmer climates to show off Satellite Communications Equipment to the Mining Industry
By Elaine Ball, CEO, EBTMarketing
Elaine Ball Technical Marketing Limited (EBTM), a Marketing Solutions Consultancy dedicated to the Mining & Quarry, Offshore and Geospatial Industries is heading down to South Africa to meet and greet clients.
One of her tasks will be will be speaking at the SatCom Africa exhibition in Johannesburg on behalf of MES and Telplus Zambia. The exhibition will be held from 20th to 21st May at Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg.
Elaine represents these companies as their Marketing Director and is involved at board level to help with strategy and direction for these growing companies.
Moore Equipment Sales (MES) LLC is a US based exporter of transportation equipment, military apparel and satellite phone equipment to the SADC in Africa. In 2014, MES launched sister company Telplus Zambia, to head up the Satellite phone division in order to service the Mining, Media, Government and NGO markets. Providing them with great communication tools from Thuraya and Inmarsat.
Elaine was hired for her expertise in Marketing Strategy, planning and implementation plus knowledge of the Mining Industry.
Telplus is a new and exciting adventure, focused on bringing the right communication equipment to the customer.
Starting a high tech firm
Elaine Ball Technical Marketing (EBTM) introduce the second in its series of podcasts titled “Interviewing the Experts”, which are hosted by the company’s CEO, Elaine Ball.
The podcasts are aimed at the Offshore, Geospatial and Mining industries and are created to help listeners with tried and tested techniques of what works and what does not from some of our market leaders.
Our first session was held with Marketing and PR Communications Coordinator at Sonardyne International. In the session we spoke about how successful their free Dynamic Positioning (DP) workshops have been and we asked if they have really seen a return on their investment.
In this weeks podcast, Elaine Ball focuses on the Geospatial Industry, interviewing Stephen A Ball, CEO of SABRE Land & Sea Ltd, designers and manufacturers of mobile laser scanning systems, advanced survey and positioning equipment and Unmanned Aircraft (UAV) systems for surveying and inspection.
The podcast focuses on starting up a high tech firm, the pitfalls, tips and future vision plus advice on what not to do.
For more information on SABRE visit SABRE Land & Sea Ltd twitter: @SabreSurvey Facebook: SabreSurveySystems
Interview hosted by Elaine Ball, CEO of EBTM, a technical Marketing Solutions Company for the Offshore, Geospatial and Mining Industries.
To listen to this podcast and others, please click here: